I lose

a companion to this picture - click for larger pic in flickr
One morning on the train I was slightly surprised to find 4 people around me reading - this being a too-sleepy-to-read sort of train. The man to my right was reading a book titled "10 characteristics of effective leadership" or something to this effect. Curious, I glanced at the page.
Losers find problems in every answer, winners find answers in every problem.There was a list of some 30 of these "loser vs winner" lines. And when he turned the page, I saw this at the top.
Losers see thunderstorms and icy weather, winners see rainbows and ice skates.
Soul success is self-respect for an honourable life.If there is any truth in that book, then please let me not have to spend too much time with anyone who thinks himself a "winner" and finds his soul a "success".
i cringed when he presented it to me. and then even more so when i saw that he was giving us both the same thing. i have never ever touched it. didn't even flip through the pages.
my beloved mom actually recommended that I read this "Rules of Life" book a couple of weeks ago! that launched my mini-lecture on why should we let 1 man's fortune-cookie guide our lives?!? are there not enough rules already?! and why readily accept the words of this 1 mortal when we subject the veracity of the bible to endless doubt?!!
aiyoh. my poor mother. the only books she has mentioned since to me are her cook books! hee.