Work to Eat
Even if I had wings, I would still need to rest #1
click for larger view .
Mondays, as always, demand an extra dose of wisdom. And since the politicians are unlikely to provide any, the kind pastor had offered this wise reminder yesterday that work disguised as careers would never satisfy. His words were "Work to eat."
Alright, taken out of context, this might seem reductive. But for me it was a liberating wisdom. And thus relieved of all work-related angst, I settled down this evening to colour this sketch of a woman at rest. To everyone no longer eligible for today's Youth Day festivities, this picture is for you.
i think there are more sophisticated programmes for applying colour...but I don't know what they are or how to use them. Maybe illustrator is better for this? You know what other programmes are good for painting?
terz - for now, you can "dream to go to Hokkaido"!
note of caution: if you are like me, haplessly conditioned by chinese culture where circles rule bigtime, then circle-busting may prove life-endangering.