family life

an old illustration

With a new nephew joining us on this disastrous world, J and I were faced again with the usual question whether us amps would feel terribly lonely if we get real old or if one of us has to hang around longer. Not to add, kids do say the strangest things.

Just this weekend, we I got my answer when 75 year-old Pa J gave us a scare and had to be warded for observation after a marathon bout of vomiting.

J : I still can't get the image out of my mind.
Y: What?
J: My father shitting. Having to stand beside him, making sure he's ok, passing him toilet paper...
Y: What kind of son are you? He's your father! How many times do you think he had to see your poop when you were a baby!
J: I know - but -
Y: Why do you keep repeating this? Why are you so obsessed?
J: Well, it's not everyday you have to - it's like not everyday you see 2 flamingos mating!
Y: ...
Y:"2 flamingos mating".

wrinkle (皺)
what the flamingo brought


Unknown said…
hm so is pa j ok?
ampulets said…
yes, thanks - we sometimes forget how old he is already, and how strong he is for someone his age.
tcn afen said…
hope things are well!Love the new piece.keep it up!come by my place soon.

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