happy geekdom

Today I have become the proud owner of a super geek Wacom intuos3 tablet! This smart piece of technology allows the user to paint and colour on the computer as if handling a real (air)brush. J (smarter, and infinitely sweeter) cleverly tempered all its geekness by giving it in a happy green Marimekko tote bag. Bonus gift!
And now back to "painting" with my new toy - the finished pics will be up over the weekend...Good night, good night friends!
oh AL recommended me these two taiwanese bands 自然卷 and 929. The first is female-fronted and quite xiao (in a Pizzicato Five meets St Etienne kind of way) and the second is mellow and slightly retro sounding. Have u heard them? U might like.
Also the new Stef Sun album has two good tracks (fun yet edgier than yr average mando pop ditty), one written by the 五月天guy n another by Chet Lam.
And so will we be, when we see the spiffy new illos :)
ru - thanks!
tym,wahj - aiyoh, with the tablet/pen thing, I actually take longer with the pics...but it's pretty fun to use.