dry season
It hasn't rained at all since Chinese New Year on 7 Feb. But at the Esplanade's Huayi Festival, there was thunder and a chorus of falling rain during Sound seed , Taiwanese actor/musician-composer Lim Giong's collaborative performance with a sound engineer and 3 young Singaporean lighting designer, interactive designer and installation artist. As Lim Giong himself hinted at, this attempt to create an immersive aural, visual and spatial experience of positive energy could have worked better in a museum/gallery than as a 1 hour performance. [left: cover of Lim Giong's latest CD insects awaken ] The next day, J and I watched renowned Taiwanese director Stan Lai's thoroughly enjoyable and admirable new production Like Shadows . Much has been written about it in the papers, so I won't go into any details about the play. Walking out of the theatre after one of the better post-performance discussions I've attended, the intellectual and emotional energies the p...