
Showing posts from December, 2015

Donald Judd and I at 23:12, 23/12/2015

I was reading about American artist Donald Judd in  Apartamento. And I realised this.  With all the hype about "craft" and "making", and the general ease with which we customise, create, mass produce and distribute with the digital media, there's so much noise to get distracted by and lost in. Donald Judd lived with his objects in space, these cumbersome boxy things. And his ranches. The arid land. The angular boulder walls that do nothing but stand in space.  Since I was a teenager I always made books. Picture books. Word books. There was the typewriter, water colour, and transfer type. The photocopy machine at times. Ring binders, thread and needle. Cloth and cardboard, glue and duct tape. Fancy paper and paper made fancy.  The name Donald Judd sounded familiar. But really, I've never really seen his art before. He died in 1994.  I wondered how it happened that I stopped making books. The last handmade book was Kidnap Bob in 2005 pe...

Thank you for the Good Sweat!

Photo by Edward Teo Sometimes when I take a pause and look back 10 years back when we were just messing around making Tshirts under "ampulets supplies", I realise how time has flown by and how much older we've become - after J quit being an employee in 2006 to start his design studio under the "ampulets" name as well, plus "Neighbourgoods" in 2012.  It's important to not take things too seriously, I think. We need to just feel the ground we walk on, breathe, and keep mostly still. The important things in life never change. And they are never complex. Anyway, read J's reflections on ampulets' third edition of Good Sweat under his studio's product label Neighbourgoods: