dedicated to sleepy students
Help! Help! There's a kid nap! At 11am this morning, I received an SMS from my 17 year-old sis that read something like this: " Oh no! I think I am going to flunk my GP* exam! How? etc etc" Being the older sis who used to be a teacher and a fine survivor of this island's hectic education system, I offered this piece of (useless) advice/comfort: "Don't worry." For the past two weeks, I have come home to find her asleep at the table, her head resting on an open book. "Hey E, why don't you go to sleep?" I would say, nudging her. She would make some sort of a noise, but barely move. On the table I would find a mug, emptied of its coffee. And beside it, a small empty glass jar that used to contain Essence of Chicken . And on the floor a couple of steps away, there must be some 8 cartons-worth of that dark concentrate! Tonight, J and I found her by her table as usual, the book open before her. And though she was seated upright, her head hung low...